FIGURAE. Giorgia Fiorio, with a text by Régis Debray.
Published and diffused: in France by Editions Actes Sud, in Italy by Marsilio Editore, October 2013
Lecture "Humanum, The archaeology of light", keynote speaker, conference Visages, corps, identités"
October 18 2013, Ecole Doctorale ProDoc Université de Fribourg, Switzerland
Workshop "Visible and invisible. To see, to watch, to imagine:
(re)-discover visually conscious perception and original vision in the world of compulsive representation".
October 26-27 / November 2-3, International Center of Photography, New York
UNESCO has granted its patronage to the book Il Dono - The Gift, for the reflexion it proposes on the diversity of sacred forms of expression in different cultures in all the world, contributing a witness to the message fostered by the Convention on the safeguard of the immaterial patrimony.